The University Executive
University Executive Group
The University Executive Group (UEG) comprises the Vice-Chancellor and President, Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Executive Deans, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief People and Culture Officer and the University Secretary and Registrar.
Vice-Chancellor and President, and Deputy Vice-Chancellors
Professor Shearer West – Vice-Chancellor and President
Professor West is responsible for the leadership, management and financial stewardship of the University and is accountable to its Council. She chairs the University Senate and UEG and represents the institution.
Professor Hai-Sui Yu – Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Professor Yu provides oversight and coordination of the University’s academic strategy and its planning and delivery and leads on the University's international strategy.
Professor Nick Plant – Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Innovation
Professor Plant leads on the development of the University’s research and innovation strategy, creating a research culture and environment which delivers high quality research and impact.
Professor Jeff Grabill – Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Student Education
Professor Grabill leads our overall education strategy, ensuring the University attracts, excites and retains high-quality students from a wide range of backgrounds.
Senior Officers
Jennifer Sewel – University Secretary and Registrar
Jennifer Sewel is responsible for the University's overall governance, assurance and legal compliance.
Jane Madeley – Chief Financial Officer
Jane Madeley is responsible for Finance and Purchasing, and plays a role in developing the University’s relationships with industry, commerce, public-sector partners and education and research partners.
Rachel Brealey – Chief Operating Officer
Rachel Brealey is responsible for University wide operations and service delivery of key corporate and student focussed professional services.
Louise Kindon – Chief People and Culture Officer
Louise Kindon leads the development and implementation of people and organisational initiatives at Leeds, ensuring people, culture and values are at the heart of University decision-making.
Executive Deans
Professor Andrew Thorpe – Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures
Andrew has a broad humanities research portfolio. He is Professor of Modern History at the University and a Fellow of both the Royal Historical Society and the Higher Education Academy.
Professor Karen Birch – Faculty of Biological Sciences
Karen is a Professor of Exercise Science and Fellow of the American College of Sport and Exercise Medicine. Her research interests include using exercise and physical activity to enhance fertility.
Professor Julia Bennell – Faculty of Business
A Professor of Operational Research, Julia holds various leadership roles in her research community. Her research focuses on developing optimisation models for logistics and transportation.
Professor Paul Johnson OBE – Faculty of Social Sciences
Paul is a professor in the School of Sociology and Social Policy. His research is concerned with the relationship between law, human rights and equality. Paul is the University's LGBT+ Champion.
Professor Nora de Leeuw – Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
A Professor of Computational Chemistry, Nora is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, an elected Fellow of The Learned Society of Wales and elected Member of Academia Europa.
Professor Mark Kearney – Faculty of Medicine and Health
Mark is a British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiovascular and Diabetes Research and clinical cardiologist with an interest in the mechanisms underlying diabetes related heart disease.
Professor Alan Haywood – Faculty of Environment (Interim)
Alan is Professor of Palaeoclimate Modelling. He is a climate scientist, Fellow of the European Research Council, Philip Leverhulme Prize winner, and a former author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.