Open days and visits
Open days and visits
Whether you’re interested in undergraduate, Masters or research study, there are lots of ways you can get a feel for our campus and for university life at Leeds.
Our beautiful and unique single-site campus has got everything you’d find in a small town and is just a short walk from the city centre.
Undergraduate events
Undergraduate Autumn Open Days
Book your place on our Autumn Open Days.
Online events and recordings
Join us online to find out about a range of topics, from applying and finance to student life.
Campus tours
Explore our beautiful red-brick campus with a student-led guided tour.
Offer holder events
Experience what it’s like being part of our vibrant community through our online events and recorded talks.
Postgraduate events
Postgraduate online events
Book your place on our live events and explore our recorded subject talks.
Postgraduate fairs
Find out about upcoming virtual fairs and exhibitions across the UK. Meet our expert staff and ask us anything about postgraduate study at Leeds.
International students
International campus tours
If you’re visiting the UK, we offer bespoke campus tours led by our international student ambassadors.
Events in your country or region
Whether virtual or in person, we meet prospective students to advise about life as an international student in Leeds.
Talk to a representative in your country
We work with a global network of representatives who can advise you about applying to study with us.