Video transcript: Grow in confidence with application support from Access to Leeds

Transcript for the video embedded on the page Now I’m here. Setting the beat. (Ellena’s story)

(Aerial footage of the University of Leeds campus) 

(Student, Ellena, is stood outside of the Leeds University Union.) 

Ellena: Now I'm here. You can be too.

(Ellena is talking from the front steps of the Parkinson Building.) 

Ellena: My name is Ellena. I applied to Leeds through the Access to Leeds scheme. I was going through a difficult time while studying for my A-levels. My reduced offer through Access to Leeds meant I didn't have to worry so much. It gave me the breathing space I needed. Now I'm here with support from Leeds.

(Ellena is stood outside a red brick building on campus.)

(Ellena is sat in the auditorium of the Clothworkers Centenary Concert Hall.) 

Ellena: The support I got meant I didn't miss out on a university place. Now I’m growing in confidence planning a future in music therapy to help others. Now I'm here. Centre stage. 

(Ellena plays her flute with an accompanying pianist and violinist.) 

(Ellena is at the Loma Café on campus with friends.) 

Ellena: Before I arrived, I had help to prepare through the Access to Leeds module. It gave me the skills and knowledge I needed to succeed. Now I'm here with a head start. 

(Ellena is stood outside of the Leeds University Union.) 

Ellena: Now I'm here. You can be too. Discover your potential.