Environmental online courses

We've curated a selection of concise online courses addressing climate change, sustainability, and environmental management suitable for learners of all ages.
Ecology and Wildlife Conservation
Suitable for learners of all ages, this course offers an insightful exploration into ecosystems, illuminating our vital role in preserving global biodiversity.
Uncover the effects of wind farms on seabird populations and delve into cutting-edge methods for studying diverse ecosystems, including coral reefs.
An ideal introduction to undergraduate degrees in Conservation Biology, Biology, and Zoology, this course provides a tantalising glimpse into these fascinating fields.
Explore Ecology and Wildlife Conservation on FutureLearn.
Planet Earth: Understanding and Protecting our Environment
Discover the intricate workings of the hydrosphere, geosphere, and biosphere, and uncover how human activities and climate change shape our planet.
Explore sustainable solutions to environmental challenges like food management and invasive species, drawing from cutting-edge research at Leeds that tracks the impacts of climate change.
An enticing preview to undergraduate studies in physical geography and environmental science, this course offers a captivating glimpse into these dynamic disciplines.
Explore Planet Earth: Understanding and Protecting our Environment on FutureLearn.
Aeroecology: Exploring Biodiversity with Radar
This course aims to equip scientists, researchers, and ecology enthusiasts with the skills to utilise radar for biodiversity exploration. Delve into the evolution of radar technology from its military roots to its diverse scientific applications, notably in aeroecology. Explore global biodiversity trends and learn to assess both traditional and emerging monitoring techniques employed by scientists worldwide.
Explore Aeroecology: Exploring Biodiversity with Radar on Coursera.
Renewable Energy: Sustainable Electricity Supply with Microgrids
Embark on a journey through the global landscape of electrification, from national grids to off-grid and microgrid solutions. Explore the challenges hindering fair access to affordable and clean electricity.
Dive deeper into the realm of microgrids, uncovering their strategic use and planning considerations. Delve into the socio-economic and environmental impacts they entail.
This practical course equips you with the skills to conduct a feasibility study for implementing a microgrid in a rural village, empowering you to assess its transformative impact.
Sign up for Renewable Energy: Sustainable Electricity Supply with Microgrids on FutureLearn.
Renewable Energy: Achieving Sustainability through Bioenergy
Unlock the secrets of bioenergy, a versatile and abundant renewable energy source.
Discover how to utilise this green energy for sustainable practices, while also examining its broader societal, economic, and environmental impacts worldwide.
Explore Renewable Energy: Achieving Sustainability through Bioenergy on FutureLearn.
Climate Change and Resilience in Food Systems
Small shifts in climate can wreak havoc on agriculture and food systems, impacting economies and livelihoods.
This course equips you with strategies to counteract climate change's effects, fostering resilient food systems and promoting sustainable development within communities.
Explore Climate Change and Resilience in Food Systems on FutureLearn.
A Nutritional Approach to Agriculture and Food Security
Today's agriculture and global food networks are increasingly intricate, often failing to deliver affordable, nutritious meals to all.
Join this course to delve into cutting-edge research placing nutrition at the core of sustainable food systems. Acquire the skills to implement and assess nutrition-sensitive interventions, guided by experts from the University of Leeds, University of Pretoria, and FANRPAN (The Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network).
Explore A Nutritional Approach to Agriculture and Food Security on FutureLearn.
Transport Systems: Global Issues and Future Innovations
Explore innovative ways the transport sector can evolve to serve the demands of today's society.
Join this course to uncover the secrets of efficient transport planning and modelling. Learn how sustainable solutions can combat pollution and enhance global health and safety.
Explore Transport Systems: Global Issues and Future Innovations on FutureLearn.
Environmental Challenges
Embark on a journey through the intricate relationship between human society and the environment, tackling tough decisions in resource management.
Through captivating case studies and dynamic discussions, delve into the development of environmental policies and the complexities they entail.
These courses offer insights akin to Environmental Management Masters degrees, providing flexible, free access to enhance your understanding at your own pace.
Learn more about the courses included in the Environmental Challenges collection.