This selection of online courses is specially designed to help you to make the most out of your online learning by developing skills that allow you to work safely and effectively online.

The University of Leeds also has a course to help you build core skills as you prepare to start your undergraduate studies. 

Skills to succeed at university

Prepare for university and master academic skills that are essential for undergraduates studying in the UK. This two-week course is designed to help you transition to higher education smoothly. You will also pick up top tips and first-hand advice on how to start and thrive at university from current students who came to the University of Leeds through different routes, such as after completing a BTEC, A-levels or as mature students.

Sign up for skills to succeed at university on FutureLearn.

Learning online: studying and reflecting

This online course is designed to help you to make the most out of your online learning by developing skills, exploring online tools and applying reflective strategies. You will discover how to focus on certain types of content and make connections so that you can grasp difficult concepts and look at the bigger picture.

Sign up for learning online: studying and reflecting on FutureLearn.

Learning online: communicating and collaborating

This online course will help you to improve your communication skills and to learn how to collaborate effectively in an online environment. You will explore strategies that will help you get the most out of online conversations and share content safely, whilst complying with copyright permissions.

Sign up for learning online: communicating and collaborating on FutureLearn.

Learning online: managing your online identity

This online course is designed to help you to manage your digital identity and how to present yourself to make the most of your online communications.

Sign up for learning online: managing your online identity on FutureLearn.

Learning online: researching your project

This online course will help you to conduct online research effectively by exploring tools and strategies. You will learn to identify your research question, explore primary and secondary sources, how to use specialist databases, and how to analyse information so that you can form your own opinion on a research project.

Sign up for learning online: researching your project on FutureLearn.