Refreshing the Leeds Curriculum

Colleagues and students from across the University have been working together to refresh the Leeds Curriculum. Explore how you can get involved in applying this to learning at Leeds.
The Leeds Curriculum journey
The Leeds Curriculum has had a refresh to ensure all students who leave the University are equipped with the relevant knowledge, understanding and attributes to face the major global challenges of today. This refresh describes a student-facing perspective that links the institutional view of the Leeds Curriculum to the learning experience that all students should encounter during their time at Leeds.
This refined Leeds Curriculum is focused on three core pillars:
- Your course: Academic focus around the discipline and/or programme identity of the course, to provide students with exposure to our internationally recognised research and innovation, including maximising the benefit of collaborations and partnerships with industry, the commercial and cultural sectors and professional bodies.
- Your future: Personalised opportunities to develop the relevant literacies, skills, competencies and breadth of understanding, which are rooted within the discipline and/or programme identity, and are relevant to the needs and ambitions of the individual student.
- Our world: Open and authentic exposure to real-world examples that draw on the discipline and/or programme identity through research-based learning that addresses global challenges through empirical and inclusive enquiry.
Video transcript: Refreshing the Leeds Curriculum
Start the conversation
What does the refreshed Leeds Curriculum mean to our colleagues and students?
Download the full Schools Contextualisation Pack to review the current Leeds Curriculum refresh journey and start discussing how you can start embedding the refreshed approach to the Leeds Curriculum with your colleagues.
You can read more about the tangible changes and benefits the refreshed curriculum will have on Leeds students' learning experience in Professor James Pickering's blog 'Refreshing the Leeds Curriculum.'