Jane Madeley

Job title
Chief Financial Officer


Email the Chief Financial Officer Jane Madeley: J.E.Madeley@adm.leeds.ac.uk


Jane Madeley (MBA ACA) is the University’s Chief Financial Officer. In addition to her core responsibilities, she works closely with the Commercialisation team and chairs the Commercialisation Advisory Group.

Jane’s role also includes developing the University’s commercial relationships with industry, commerce, public-sector partners and education and research partners at home and abroad. Jane attends the University’s Audit and Risk Committee and its Strategy and Investment Committee.

Jane is Chair of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) Yorkshire and the Humber Regional Council, where she has previously represented the University. Jane is a non-executive director (NED) and Chair of the Audit Risk Committee of Northern Gritstone Limited, an investment company established by the Universities of Leeds, Manchester and Sheffield to fund their early stage spin out companies.

Previously Jane has held independent NED roles within Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust and at UK Research and Innovation. 

Jane graduated in History and Economics from York University in 1989 and has an MBA. Since qualifying as a chartered accountant, and prior to joining the University in 2009, Jane held senior finance positions in a range of international businesses in the retail and fast moving consumer goods sectors, and was based in the UK and Europe.