Universities rise to the efficiency challenge
Efficiency programmes at the University of Leeds are highlighted in a new report that shows how UK universities are saving billions by sharing high-value resources and using innovative technologies.
Efficiency programmes at the University of Leeds are highlighted in a new report that shows how UK universities are saving billions by sharing high-value resources and using innovative technologies.
A £1.75m grant to the University of Leeds is helping to create new healthcare products which will benefit millions of people.
A new supercomputer hosted at the University of Leeds is offering businesses and academic researchers across the North of England world-class computing power.
The University of Leeds is leading a £5.7 million, government-backed initiative to transform the way replacement joints and other medical implants are made.
A revolutionary liquid-cooled computer server that could slash the carbon footprint of the internet is being tested at the University of Leeds.
Chemists at the University of Leeds will join a £170 million pan-European project, bringing together university researchers and pharmaceutical companies to develop the next generation of drugs.
Increasingly hot summer weather could cause a fall in crop yields over the next two decades unless farming techniques are improved more quickly, scientists at the University have found.
The Institute for Transport Studies will play an important role in the DEMAND: Dynamics of Energy Mobility and Demand Centre, one of the RCUK's five new End Use Energy Demand (EUED) research centres.
The University of Leeds is to receive more than £2 million in government funding to help its cutting-edge research deliver benefits to business.
Low carbon technologies such as solar power could support almost the entire global economy by 2050, environmentalist Jonathon Porritt told an alumni audience at the University of Leeds last night.