Video transcript: Explore new opportunities with financial support from the University of Leeds

Transcript for the video embedded on the page Now I’m here. Taking on the world. (Adam’s story)

(Student, Adam, is stood outside of the Leeds University Union.) 

Adam: Now I'm here. You can be too. 

(Adam is inside the Edward Boyle Library.)  

Adam: My name's Adam, I’m studying at Leeds and I love it. My parents didn't go to university. So it's a big deal for me. Funding from the university transformed my experience. It allowed me to access loads of activities I didn't know I could. Now I'm here. Exploring exciting opportunities. 

(Adam is walking through the Edge gym on campus, wearing boxing gloves.) 

Adam: My extra funding allowed me to buy what I needed for the boxing society. 

(Adam is exercising at a punching bag) 

Adam: I'm meeting new people, trying new things.

(Adam is punching pads with a partner).

Adam: Now I’m here making the most of it. 

(Interior of the Nam Song restaurant in Leeds, Adam is sat at a laptop.) 

Adam: I’ve gained the confidence to tackle anything. 

(Adam is sat at a table in the restaurant with friends.) 

Adam: Now I'm even applying to study abroad in Australia, which is something I never thought I'd say. 

(Adam is stood outside the restaurant.) 

Adam: Now I'm here taking on the world. 

(Adam is stood outside of the Leeds University Union.)

Adam: Now I’m here. You can be too. Discover your potential.