Energy profiles

Name Profile information
A smart approach to baking bread Professor Kang Li from the University of Leeds has devised a smart energy system specifically for SMEs, using high-tech sensors and complex data analysis to identify the highest energy use and find where savings can most effectively be made.
Bioenergy: turning a pest into energy We are working with researchers from the Centre for Research in Energy and Energy Conservation (CREEC) and colleagues in India to try and turn an invasive aquatic plant into a source of energy.
Easing the pressure on nuclear waste A partnership between the University of Leeds and Sellafield, the Sludge Centre of Expertise is dealing with the challenge of safely managing nuclear waste created by the UK’s nuclear power programme.
Glass in the machine Mechanical engineers from the University of Leeds have been able to accurately quantify the viscosity – or resistance to deformation – of ultra-thin films that protect our engines’ moving parts.
Helping the UK's progress towards carbon targets Professor John Barrett and his team from the University’s Sustainability Research Institute have created a complex emissions model that calculates the UK’s overall carbon footprint.
Hydrogen production from green ammonia and biogas The NWaste2H2 team at the University of Leeds have demonstrated an innovative process for producing hydrogen at anaerobic digestion (AD) plants processing for example food and agricultural wastes or sewage sludge.
Neither coal, nor gas, but hydrogen Researchers at the University of Leeds are central to one project within Hy4Heat, looking at using hydrogen in coal-effect domestic gas fires, the most popular type of gas fire in the UK.
Pioneering bond enables solar panel project A new model of financing devised by the University of Leeds is helping to bring residents and local authorities together to fund local projects that help to tackle climate change.
Taking the carbon out of transport The Local Government Association (LGA) worked with experts at the University of Leeds to help local authorities identify what action they could be taking to progress their transport path towards net zero CO2 emissions.
The reality of life in fuel poverty Dr Lucie Middlemiss’ research looks at the impacts of environmental problems and policy on people’s lives, particularly in relation to how people access and consume resources.