Enquiries and reviews
Find out what to do if you have any questions about our Freedom of Information process or you are unhappy with how a request has been processed.
If you have any enquiries or experience any difficulties with the University's Publication scheme or need a response to a request for information, please get in touch with us by contacting the Freedom of Information (FOI) Officer at the University's Governance and Compliance. Email the Freedom of Information team at FOI@leeds.ac.uk
Internal reviews
If you are unhappy with an FOI response you have received, you may ask us to review the response we provided. Internal review requests should be made in writing using the following contact information. Email the Freedom of Information team at FOI@leeds.ac.uk
Your request will be dealt with in line with the principles set out by the Information Commissioner for the internal review of FOI request responses, and in line with the University’s internal procedures. In particular, you should expect:
- Receipt of the review request to be acknowledged within five working days.
- A reasoned judgement upon your complaint within 20 working days; or
- In complex cases, a reasoned judgement within 40 working days.
- To be kept informed of the progress of any investigation.
- A clear explanation of any delay in responding to your review request.
- To receive information about how to contact the Information Commissioner if you are not satisfied with the outcome of the review.