Contact our staff

If you have any questions or would like to find out more about studying with us, please email the Lifelong Learning Centre at

You can also phone the Lifelong Learning Centre on +44 (0)113 343 3212.

View staff by surname using the following links:

Surname A-C

Chris Adams

Teaching Fellow (Specific Learning Differences Support) 

I am the Specific Learning Difficulties/Differences (SpLD) tutor at the Lifelong Learning Centre (LLC). My role involves identifying and supporting learners who are indicating signs of a potential SpLD, such as Dyslexia. View Chris Adams' profile page.

Sitara Akram

Lifelong Learning Centre Manager

I lead the strategic development of support services for mature undergraduate students. I hold responsibility for developing high quality services including the front desk, pastoral support, student experience activity and partnership work with faculties at Leeds. View Sitara Akram's profile page.

Kate Barley

Student Education Officer (Assessments and Exams)

I am responsible for the administration of assessments, exam results and exam boards. View Kate Barley's profile page.

Catherine Bates

Programme Manager (BA Professional Studies)

Jo Bates

Programme Manager (Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship)

Esther Bissell

Communities and Partnerships Officer 

I work within the Communities and Partnerships team at the LLC, delivering a range of community engagement activities for adults. These include attending events and groups, working particularly in communities across Leeds and Wakefield where participation in Higher Education is not the norm. View Esther Bissell’s profile page.

Helen Bowman

Academic Skills Development Manager and Academic Integrity Lead, Deputy Director of the LLC

As Deputy Director (Partnerships) and Academic Skills Development Manager at the LLC, I manage our academic skills and advice and guidance staff teams, as well as our Communities and Partnerships (C&P) team and Preparation for Higher Education (PHE) programme team. View Helen Bowman's profile page.

Beverley Brealey

Student Education Service Assistant

I am a member of the Student Education Services team and administrate the Interdisciplinary Studies with Preparation for Higher Education (PHE), Child and Family Studies, Learning and Teaching and SEND programmes. View Beverley Brealey's profile page.

Lynne Cade

Programme Leader (PHE)

Joel Capener

Teaching Fellow (Business Management)

Nadine Cavigioli

Deputy Programme Manager (Learning and Teaching)

I am the Deputy Programme Manager for the BA Learning and Teaching course and support the Learning and Teaching Programme Manager in relation to admissions, programme development and student support. View Nadine Cavigioli's profile page.

Fiona Chapel

Development Officer

As a Development Officer within the Lifelong Learning Centre's Communities and Partnerships team, I work with adults from communities where HE is not the norm. Our community engagement activities include information giving and informal learning sessions using critical adult education perspectives. View Fiona Chapel's profile page.

Joanne Christian

Student Education Service Assistant

Amy Cilia La Corte

Teaching Fellow (Biology)

I am the module lead for the Anatomy and Physiology modules for the Healthcare Apprenticeship programmes at the Lifelong Learning Centre. View Amy Cilia La Corte's profile page.

John Clark

Part-Time Tutor (Child and Family Studies)

Anita Collins

Programme Manager, Learning and Teaching/Learning and Teaching – Special educational needs and disability (SEND)

Programme Manager for our Learning and Teaching programmes, including SEND pathways. My background is in English language and literacy and SEND teaching and teacher training. View Anita Collins' profile page.

Laura Conroy

Student Success Officer 

My work is focused around Student Success, among students from a wide range of backgrounds. I utilise data to improve outcomes for retention, attainment and progression and I work with staff across the centre to implement interventions to help students succeed. View Laura Conroy’s profile page.

Surname D-L

Paul Devlin

Student Support Officer

As Student Support Officer, I provide pastoral/wellbeing support for Lifelong Learning Centre students as well as mature students across the University. I also support students with disabilities, long-term medical conditions and specific learning difficulties. View Paul Devlin's profile page.

Gary Dickinson

Teaching Fellow (Maths)

Samantha Dobbing

Teaching Fellow in Academic Skills (Maths)

As a member of the academic skills team at the Lifelong Learning Centre (LLC), I deliver individual and small-group numeracy and mathematics support to applicants, LLC students and mature students from schools and faculties across the University. I additionally teach maths and statistics module content on various LLC programmes. 
View Samantha Dobbing's profile page.

Dr Katy L. Dobson

Programme Manager (Science) 

I support students throughout their Science Foundation Year with the Lifelong Learning Centre. I manage the science team and am responsible for all aspects of programme development, quality of teaching and learning, student support and recruitment. I also teach mathematics on the Science Foundation programmes. View Katy Dobson's profile page.

Russell Downing

Academic Mentor

I am one of the Academic Mentors at the Lifelong Learning Centre. My role involves helping students with issues that they may deem not to be significant enough to warrant contacting their personal tutor or lecturers about. View Russell Downing’s profile page.

Preksha Dwivedi

Centre Administration Assistant

I work as part of the Welcome Desk team at the Lifelong Learning Centre. My role is to support general administration needs across the Centre and to act as a first point of contact for queries. View Preksha Dwivedi’s profile page.

Denise Edmunds

Employability and Guidance Officer

As a fully qualified careers adviser, I offer confidential and impartial guidance to anyone considering higher education or thinking about their career options following graduation. I also offer employability support, advising on job applications and CVs and helping students prepare for interview. View Denise Edmunds' profile page.

Greg Elliott

Communities and Partnerships Assistant

As part of my role providing administrative support to Lifelong Learning Centre outreach activity, I am a first point of contact for our pre-entry guidance service, JumpStart course and a rolling series of taster sessions and open events for potential mature students. View Greg Elliott's profile page.

Linda Forbes

Teaching Fellow in Chemistry 

My interests are in building practical skills while studying science, supporting students to achieve their goals and making science accessible. View Linda Forbes' profile page.

Tracey Gallagher

Student Education Service Manager

As Student Education Service Manager, I am responsible for managing the effective delivery of admissions, student support, exams and assessment, quality assurance and programme support. View Tracey Gallagher's profile page.      

Olivia Garvey

Development Officer

As Development Officer in the Communities and Partnerships team, I coordinate visits and study support sessions, subject tasters and an annual summer school for adults studying at Level 2 and 3 in college/community education. View Olivia Garvey's profile page.               

Sally Gibbs

Part-Time Tutor (Learning and Teaching)

David Gilding

Programme Manager Business Management

My role involves managing the part-time Business Management and Leadership and the full-time Business Studies with Foundation Year programmes. View David Gilding's profile page.

Lauren Grainger

Student Education Service Assistant

Vivienne Griggs

Deputy Director (Student Education)

I joined the Lifelong Learning Centre in 2016 as Deputy Director with responsibility for student education. My role involves leadership of the programme teams, one aspect of which is the Director of Student Education (DSE) role. View Vivienne Grigg’s profile page.

Jane Hanna

Student Education Service Officer (QA and Programme Support)

I provide administrative support for a number of the department’s formal committees and the work of our Academic Integrity Officer, as well as support within the department for the University’s QA processes. I am also responsible for examinations, timetabling and our module and programme catalogues. View Jane Hanna's profile page.

Serena Hayward Smith

Student Education Assistant 

I administrate our BSc Business Management and BSc Business Studies with Foundation Year programmes, assisting with recruitment and admissions, maintaining accurate records and acting as a point of contact for students. View Serena Hayward Smith's profile page.  

Liam Hughes

Communities and Partnerships Assistant

My role is to provide administrative support to the Lifelong Learning Centre’s outreach activity. I am a point of contact for our advice and guidance service, our JumpStart course and events held by the Lifelong Learning Centre for prospective students. View Liam Hughes’ profile page.

Mohammed Hussain

Advice and Guidance Officer 

I am responsible for the leadership and effective delivery of the Lifelong Learning Centre’s pre-entry information, advice and guidance service. The service offers free, impartial one-to-one appointments to individuals from widening participation backgrounds. View Mohammed Hussain's profile page.

Lauren Huxley

Student Experience Officer 

My role is to ensure that students studying with the Lifelong Learning Centre and mature students from across the University are having an excellent experience. I organise events and workshops for students throughout the year and also support our Student Reps. View Lauren Huxley's profile page.

David Ibitson

Teaching Fellow (Arts and Humanities)

I lecture and lead seminars and workshops for the modules: Modernity and Post-Modernity; Image, Music and Text; and The Renaissance. I also contribute sessions to our JumpStart course. View David Ibitson's profile page.

Sajda Khan

Part-Time Tutor in Women in Islam

Louise Kilburn

Teaching Fellow (Business Management)

Brian Lavery

Part-Time Tutor (Travel and Journalistic Writing)

I am a Scottish author living in Hull and I lecture in creative writing and journalism at the Lifelong Learning Centre. View Brian Lavery's profile page.

John Lees

External Liaison Officer

I work in partnership with local organisations and regional colleges to widen participation amongst adults and support learners to make the transition to Higher Education study. View John Lees' profile page.

Michelle Lotherington

Senior Admissions Officer

I am a member of the Student Education Service team and I am responsible for delivering the admissions function within the Lifelong Learning Centre. I am also responsible for the administration of the LLC's KickStart programme and Alternative Entry Scheme. View Michelle Lotherington's profile page.

Nathan Loynes

Programme Manager (Child and Family Studies)

Surname M-R

Juliana Manso

Chemistry Tutor

I am a Chemistry Tutor and I have been responsible for tutoring the Module Industrial Chemistry in the 21st Century since the beginning of 2021. View Juliana Manso's profile page.

Rosa Mas Giralt

Deputy Programme Manager (BA Professional Studies)

I contribute to the promotion, development and delivery of the BA Professional Studies programme. I am responsible for the research strand of the programme, and I lead, teach and supervise for the modules Introduction to Research and Ethics, Planning and Developing a Research Project and Dissertation/Project. View Rosa Mas Giralt's profile page.

Lisa Matera

Teaching Fellow, Professional Studies

I’m part of the Professional Studies team in the Lifelong Learning Centre. I lead the Creative Interventions in the City and Health and Society modules. My responsibilities include personal tutoring, supporting research modules and dissertation supervision. View Lisa Matera's profile page.

Sadie McGlone

Operations Manager

I am responsible for overseeing the day-to-day running of the Centre, including speaking with IT and HR as appropriate and relaying this information to staff. I am also responsible for finances within the Centre, including invoices and timesheets. I work closely with Sitara Akram, as well as with our Welcome Desk team.

Jane Montague

Part-Time Tutor in People in Society

Dr Saad Mufti

Management Information Analyst

I support the Lifelong Learning Centre to assess the impact of its work in widening participation and student success, which involves data analysis for the reporting of key metrics for internal monitoring, planning, and statutory purposes. View Saad Mufti's profile page.

Kat Munn

Academic Skills Development Manager and Academic Integrity Lead

I manage the Academic Skills team who provide support to LLC and mature students across the University, and lead on our pre-entry 'Kickstart' programme and alternative entry matriculation exams. I am also the Academic Integrity Lead for the Centre. View Kat Munn's profile page.

Madeleine Newman

Programme Leader, Arts and Humanities Foundation Year 

I lead the Arts and Humanities Foundation Year and manage relevant Level 1 Arts and Humanities discovery modules in the LLC. View Madeleine Newman's profile page.

Stuart Petch

Student Experience Assistant 

I am a member of the front-desk Welcome Team in the Lifelong Learning Centre, welcoming visitors and responding to enquiries. View Stuart Petch's profile page.

Andy Richardson

Programme Manager (Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship)

I am the programme manager responsible for development and delivery of the Chartered Management Degree Apprenticeship (CMDA). View Andy Richardson's profile page

Claire Rutherford-Chapman

Academic Mentor

I am an Academic Mentor at the Lifelong Learning Centre. I support students on our Science Foundation Year and Degree Apprenticeship courses.

Surname S-Z

Dr Paul Smith

Higher and Degree Apprenticeships Manager 

I provide strategic leadership for degree apprenticeships delivered by the Lifelong Learning Centre and my role covers partnerships with key stakeholders, project management ensuring effective management of change, business development and quality assurance. I am also responsible for making sure the Lifelong Learning Centre is at the forefront of policy developments. View Paul Smith's profile page.

Simon Stepan

Centre Administrative Assistant

I am a member of the LLC Welcome Desk team. We are a first point of contact for students, prospective students and visitors. I can answer general enquiries and for more complex questions or issues I can identify the best colleague to help. I also provide administrative support across the Centre.

Rosie Kightly Stoker

Pastoral Support and Wellbeing Officer (currently on maternity leave)

Working alongside Paul Devlin (Student Support Officer), I provide pastoral and wellbeing support for students within the Lifelong Learning Centre, as well as mature students across the University. This can cover anything from personal, mental/health issues, disability or ongoing health conditions and financial or family concerns, to how to access specific support within and outside of the University, and how to feel part of the community. View Rosie Kightly Stoker's profile page.

Claire Struthers

Deputy Programme Manager (Business Management) 

I am a teaching fellow in the Lifelong Learning Centre and I support with programme development, quality of teaching and learning, student support and recruiting students to full-time and part-time courses in Business. View Claire Struthers' profile page.

Marie Suggitt

Part-Time Tutor (PHE)

Jordan Joe Thirlwall

Teaching Fellow (Physics)

Rebecca Thorley

Deputy Programme Manager (Child and Family Studies)

I am a social worker by background, drawing on this knowledge and experience to lead on modules about child development, children’s life chances and reflection/skills development. I also supervise final year dissertations on topics such as exploring professionals’ views of children’s play, and fathers’ perspectives of their role in their children’s early years.

Greg Tidswell

Teaching Fellow in Business Management

I primarily teach modules for our part-time Business Management and Leadership degree and offer support to our students. I also support our relationship with the Chartered Management Institute (CMI).

Jon Towlson

Part-Time Lecturer in Creative Writing

I am a part-time lecturer in creative writing, currently teaching modules in scriptwriting, professional studies and writing science fiction, fantasy and horror. View Jon Towlson's profile page.

Dr Gary Walker

Teaching Fellow, Child and Family Studies 

I provide teaching and student support across the Child and Family Studies Foundation Degree and the BA. My publications include international journal articles and textbooks. View Gary Walker's profile page.

Rachel Walls

Teaching Fellow in Academic Skills Development

I support University of Leeds mature or part-time undergraduates and Lifelong Learning Centre students with academic skills development, through workshops and one-to-one appointments. I am a personal tutor and module lead for BA Professional Studies and supervise dissertations involving textual analysis. View Rachel Walls' profile page.

Rachel Walton

Pastoral Support and Wellbeing Officer

I provide pastoral and wellbeing support for students within the LLC, as well as mature students across the University. This includes support for personal or health issues, financial or family concerns, disabilities or specific learning difficulties. View Rachel Walton’s profile page.

Jessica Wright

Teaching Fellow in Academic Skills Development

I support mature undergraduate students from across the University of Leeds and all Lifelong Learning Centre students through workshops and one-to-one appointments. I teach first-year modules on our Business Management and Leadership BSc and our Chartered Management Degree Apprenticeship. View Jessica Wright’s profile page.

Dr George Zifkos

Teaching Fellow in Economics and Business Management  

I am an economist, creative practitioner and researcher specialising in the area of cultural and creative economy. View George Zifkos' profile page.

Maria Zukowska

Assistant Student Education Service Manager (currently on secondment)

I oversee the day-to-day running of the Student Education Service (SES) operations in the Lifelong Learning Centre.