Our outreach work with adults and local communities

We’re committed to supporting progression for adults from backgrounds that have traditionally been under-represented in higher education.
Our Communities and Partnerships team develops sustainable and mutually beneficial partnerships with local and regional organisations to create opportunities for adults to access higher education.
Our partners include:
- local organisations working with adults in areas of low participation in higher education
- local voluntary and community organisations across Leeds, such as community centres and groups for tenants and residents, refugee support, foster carers, addiction and recovery, and mental health support
- Further Education colleges and other adult education providers, such as local authority and training providers
- local schools, colleges and sixth forms.
Through our outreach, we aim to work in an accessible way to address inequalities, further the mission of the University of Leeds around social justice and enrich student diversity at the University.
Outreach activities
Opportunities for community groups
Bespoke activities and visits
Working with our community partners, we co-create bespoke, informal activities for community groups. We take a strengths-based approach to this work which values adults’ life experiences and skills.
This can include:
- visiting a group in a community setting to talk about education options
- arranging for a community group to visit the University campus
- delivering some informal learning to a community group on a topic of shared interest, for example, sessions on Autism and special educational needs and disability (SEND) for foster carers, exploring ideas of leadership with groups in recovery from addiction, and creative writing sessions with ex-offenders.
Free advice and taster events for adults
Advice and guidance service
Our free, impartial and confidential advice and guidance service helps adult learners make an informed choice about their next steps.
Taster events and information sessions
We offer a range of free activities to provide adults with opportunities to try out learning, including taster sessions in different subject areas.
Our on-campus and online events help adults find out more about our foundation year courses and full/part-time degrees. Our general advice sessions cover topics such as returning to education and support for mature students.
JumpStart taster course
Our JumpStart taster course offers a fun and immersive experience of being within a higher education setting. Designed to fit around other commitments, adults can build the skills, understanding and confidence they’ll need for university.
Annual school for adult learners
Our annual school for adult learners is a free, three-day event which offers adults a chance to explore the University campus and learn about their options for the future.
Attendees meet current mature students and learn about the courses and support available to adults through the Lifelong Learning Centre. The event includes informal taster sessions in different subject areas and information about student finance.
We provide lunch and childcare to remove barriers to attendance and offer participants advice and guidance, during or after the event, to support them in navigating their next steps.
Pre-entry sessions
Our pre-entry activities focus on supporting adults who are at the later stages of preparing to transition to higher education. We deliver sessions covering key topics, such as the application process for university and student finance.
Opportunities for schools and colleges
Outreach for Further Education colleges
We work in partnership with local and regional Further Education (FE) colleges, engaging with groups of adult learners studying for Level 3 qualifications (such as the Access to Higher Education Diploma).
Outreach for schools and sixth forms
We work with local schools and sixth forms, raising awareness of alternative routes onto undergraduate courses at Leeds for students from groups that are under-represented in higher education.
Our work in this area focuses on providing information on the Foundation Year provision at Leeds, supporting students to make an informed choice about their next steps.
Work with us
Please email the Communities and Partnerships team at candp@leeds.ac.uk to find out more about our outreach activities and how we can support your organisation’s work.