Dr Gary Walker
Dr Gary Walker, Teaching Fellow, Child and Family Studies
Email Gary Walker: G.D.Walker1@leeds.ac.uk
Phone: 0113 343 9434
Areas of expertise
Looked after children, multi-agency working, safeguarding, child development; child rights; qualitative research methods.
My role
I provide teaching and student support across the Child and Family Studies Foundation Degree and the BA. My publications include international journal articles and textbooks.
I have 20 years’ experience of working with and for children and young people in various roles, most notably as a social worker, education child protection co-ordinator and education co-ordinator for looked after children. My doctoral research focused on better understanding the reasons behind the lower educational outcomes of looked after children.
I teach across a range of modules on Child and Family Studies, including Children Looked After and their Experiences of Care; Safeguarding Children; Adolescent and Middle Years Development; Policy Development; Child Welfare: Research, Policy and Practice; and Research Methods.
Research interests
My research interests include the education of looked after children, and multi-agency working.
I am an expert reviewer for the Welsh Government on research bids related to looked after children, and have acted as a guest speaker at various external events such as the improving attainment for looked after children seminar in Edinburgh in May 2019, sponsored by the Scottish Government.
I have presented at several conferences, including at the Canada International Conference on Education in Toronto, 2016, where I won Best Paper for the whole conference.
- Professional Doctorate in Education (EdD): Institutional Habitus and Educational Outcomes of Looked After Children: Complexities and Paradoxes
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education
- MA Childhood Studies
- Teacher’s Certificate in Further and Adult Education (City and Guilds 730-7)
- Certificate in Counselling Skills
- Diploma in Social Work
- BA (Hons) Developmental Psychology
My publications reflect my research interests and include:
- Pinkney, S. & Walker, G. 2020. ‘It was me, but it was them that helped me’: Exploring the issues for care experienced young people within higher education. Children and Youth Services Review. 108
- Walker, G. 2018. Working Together for Children: A Critical Introduction to Multi-agency working. Second Edition. London: Bloomsbury.
- Walker, G. 2017. ‘Children aren’t Standardized, they are Unique’: Using Bourdieu to Expose the Complexity behind Educational Outcomes of Looked-After Children. International Journal of Technology and Inclusive Education. 6(1) 980-988.
- Walker, G. 2017. Beginning to work with other agencies. In: Moyles, J., Georgeson, J. & Payler, J. (eds). Beginning Teaching, Beginning Learning: In early years and primary education. Fifth Edition. Maidenhead, Open University Press/McGraw Hill.
- Murphy, T., Tan, J., Luna, E., Flogueiras Bertomeu, P., Furco, A., Harrison, C., Laurence, P., Martin. D. & Walker, G. 2017. Developing local and international collaborations to enhance the student learning experience through university-community engagements. In: Cozza, B. & Blessinger, P (eds). University Partnerships for Pre-service and Teacher Development. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Ltd.
- Walker G. 2015. Institutional habitus and educational outcomes of looked after children: lessons for teachers. TEAN Journal. 7(1) 51-61.
- Potter, C., Walker, G. & Keen, B. 2012. ‘I am reading to her and she loves it’: benefits of engaging fathers from disadvantaged areas in their children’s early learning transitions. Early Years: An International Journal of Research and Development. 1-16; iFirst Article. DOI:10.1080/09575146.2012.666959.
- Potter, C., Walker, G. & Keen, B. 2012. Engaging fathers from disadvantaged areas in children’s early educational transitions: A UK perspective. Journal of Early Childhood Research. 10(2) 209-225.
- Potter C., Walker G. & Keen B. 2012. Engaging Fathers in Early Years Transitions. In: Potter C & Olley R. (eds). Engaging Fathers in the Early Years. 75-88. London: Continuum.
- Jones, P. & Walker, G. (eds). 2011. Children’s Rights in Practice. London: Sage.
- Potter, C., Walker, G. & Keen, B. 2009. Father Involvement in Transitions: Evaluation Feedback Report. Leeds: Leeds Metropolitan University.
- Walker, G. 2009. ‘Safeguarding Children and Adults’. In Warren, S. (ed). Education Studies: Course companion to themes and contexts. London: Continuum.
- Richter, I & Walker, G. 2008. ‘Rhythm, routine and ritual: strategies for collective living among first year students in halls of residence’. In: University life uncovered: making sense of student experience. Monograph published by University of Southampton, The Higher Education Academy Social Policy and Social Work (SWAP).
- Walker, G. 2007. ‘Safeguarding Children: Visions and Values’. In: Moss, D., Tomlinson, P., Jones, P. & Welch, S. (eds). Childhood: Services and Provision for Children. London: Pearson.
- Walker, G. 2007. ‘Mind the Gap: A multi-agency approach to raising the educational attainment of looked after children’. In: Moss, D., Tomlinson, P., Jones, P. & Welch, S. (eds). Childhood: Services and Provision for Children. London: Pearson.