George Zifkos

Dr George Zifkos, Teaching Fellow in Economics and Business Management 
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Areas of expertise

Cultural and creative industries, innovation and creativity management, festivals, sustainable communities,creativity and sustainable development, event management, business ethics.

My role

I am an economist, creative practitioner and researcher specialising in the area of cultural and creative economy. 

Research interests 

My fascination with the creative arts, culture, entrepreneurship and ethics have always guided my life, and taken me in some interesting directions. I have developed bids for cultural and educational organisations and consulted on public policy projects focusing on the areas of Cultural Policy, Place Branding and Sustainable Development.

I am inspired by an interest, first, in how business models of cultural organisations can be beneficially applied to other sectors of the economy, and, second, in exploring the potential of creativity to affect sustainable development, social prosperity & well-being, and international relations.  

As well as a practicing musician, I am a composer and have produced a number of songs and instrumental pieces, some of which have served as incidental music for theatrical performances. 


I have been teaching in Higher Education since 2014 in the UK in a variety of settings – from foundation courses to postgraduate, and in subject areas including Decision Making, Diversity in the Workplace, Cross-Cultural Management and Research Methods. 


  • MA in Culture, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship from the University of Leeds
  • BA in Economics from the University of Thessaly
  • Diploma in Music Performance (piano) from the Hellenic Conservatory
  • Diploma in Music Direction
  • PhD, completed in 2017, explored discourses of ‘sustainability’ within the arts and culture sector

Student education

  • LLLC1363 ‘Introduction to Economics’ and LLLC0118 ‘Innovation and Enterprise’ on our BSc Business Studies with Foundation Year 
  • LLLC3985 ‘Management Consultancy’ on the part-time BSc Business Management and Leadership 
  • LLLC2264 ‘Creativity, Work and Change’ on our BA Professional Studies 


Zifkos, G. 2015. Sustainability Everywhere: Problematising the “Sustainable Festival” Phenomenon. Tourism Planning & Development, 12(1), pp. 6-19.  

DOI: 10.1080/21568316.2014.960600 

Social media and websites

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