Sitara Akram

Sitara Akram, Centre Manager
Email Sitara Akram at
Phone Sitara Akram: 0113 343 7894
View my LinkedIn profile

My role

I am a member of the senior management team, leading the strategic development of support services for mature undergraduate students.

My passion is to ensure that students from under-represented backgrounds receive excellent support throughout their study at Leeds.

I hold responsibility for developing high quality services including the front desk, pastoral support, student experience activity and partnership work with faculties at Leeds.

I work closely with the Deputy Director – Student Education, the School Education Service Manager  and the Deputy Director (Partnerships) to ensure that our Centre offers an integrated, one-stop-shop service to students from enquiry through to graduation.

I work with the Director of the Centre to develop strategic plans, including student number plans and budgets, and hold responsibility for producing high quality management information and data analyses for internal and external reporting. The work on student data and impact evaluation sits within the framework of the Access and Participation Plan.

I have extensive experience of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching at Leeds.

My research interests 

I hold a PhD from the University of Leeds. My research interests are Islamic finance, Islamic legal theory, and economic development. My thesis is available on the White Rose eTheses Online website.