
Volunteering is a great way to play an active part in the local community while enhancing your personal and professional development.
Not only is it rewarding and good for your wellbeing, volunteering allows you to explore career paths, develop skills and gain experience that will impress employers.
There’s a wide range of volunteering opportunities you could get involved in, both on and off campus. Whether you’re passionate about climate change, the cultural sector or supporting vulnerable people, there are volunteering roles to support many causes. No matter how much or little time you have, there are opportunities available to fit around your studies.
You could:
- Help refugees and asylum seekers improve their English through Leeds University Union.
- Support young people in local primary and secondary schools through the University’s Students into Schools scheme.
- Make a difference to the environment with litter picks, biodiversity monitoring and projects in the local community as a sustainability volunteer.
- Fulfil your passion for sport or training as a Leeds Sport coaching scholar volunteer.
- Support a local charity to achieve its fundraising goals or help them create content for social media.
More information
Read student profiles and case studies about volunteering
Explore volunteering opportunities at Leeds University Union
Find out about sport volunteering opportunities
Working with student volunteers
If you’re a not-for-profit organisation in Leeds that would benefit from student volunteers, email the Volunteering Team at volunteer@leeds.ac.uk