Externally funded research opportunities

You could benefit from a funded PhD place along with enhanced training and development through our Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTP) and Centres for Doctoral Training.

Work experience and placements may also be available through these routes, which are funded by the UK research councils.

Doctoral Training Partnerships 

We are partners in the following Doctoral Training Partnerships:

The White Rose College of the Arts and Humanities

Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the White Rose College of the Arts and Humanities (WRoCAH) provides postgraduate researchers with the opportunity to develop their employability skills with a cohort, learning and networking with each other in a unique and tailored training programme, alongside excellent supervision. Find out about current scholarship opportunities on the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures page.

The White Rose Social Sciences DTP

Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the White Rose Social Sciences DTP delivers excellent supervision, first class training and a vibrant intellectual environment across fourteen Leeds Schools. It enables postgraduate researchers to link with national and international networks of industrial partners, opinion formers, policy makers and academics and aims to produce doctoral graduates with outstanding skills and flexibility.

The Engineering and Physical Science DTP

Funded by the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC), the Engineering and Physical Science DTP funds postgraduate researchers across the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, offering them the chance to engage with our vibrant research culture and enjoy the benefits of our outstanding resources including state-of-the-art laboratories, high performance computer facilities and one of the UK's major academic libraries. The DTP also provides funding for a number of industrially co-sponsored studentships.

The Panorama NERC DTP

Funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), the Panorama NERC DTP spans the science of earth’s atmosphere, geosphere and biosphere. Through high quality research projects and training, we attract excellent postgraduate researchers into natural environment science research and train them for future employment and leadership, enabling them to contribute to environmental wellbeing and UK economic prosperity.

The White Rose Mechanistic Biology DTP

Funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council (BBSRC), the White Rose Mechanistic Biology DTP offers a four year PhD programme in Mechanistic Biology, aligned with the BBSRC’s strategic priorities in food security, bioenergy and industrial technology and world class bioscience. It delivers regional PhD training that has interdisciplinary collaboration and placement opportunities, as well as the opportunity to engage with the very best molecular and cellular bioscience researchers.

The Discovery Medicine North (DiMeN) DTP

Funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC), the Discovery Medicine North (DiMeN) DTP is training the next generation of researchers to tackle the major health problems facing the population, with a focus on the themes of genetic influences on health, ageing and disease, and bioinformatics and personalised medicine. The DTP aims to deliver training in stratified medicine, focusing on the best treatment for every patient.

The Yorkshire Environmental Sciences Doctoral Training Network (YES DTN)

Funded through a BBSRC-NERC Doctoral Landscape Award (DLA), the Yorkshire Environmental Sciences Doctoral Training Network recruits up to 26 fully funded PhD candidates per year.

YES DTN is a collaboration of 4 academic schools across the University of Leeds and the Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratories of the University of York. We offer associate memberships both at the University of York and the University of Leeds. YES DTN therefore all environmental science research facing the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) on our two collaborating campuses.

We are also a partner in the Wellcome Trust PhD Programme, which is similar to a DTP, in that it provides a cohort-based PhD programme, focusing on the molecular basis of biological mechanisms. The programme is based in the cutting-edge Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology.

Centres for Doctoral Training

Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) draw on world class and internationally recognised research from a range of disciplines and faculties across the University. They mostly offer integrated Masters and PhD training and always have a partnerships focus. Most CDTs at Leeds are funded by the EPSRC. Our Understanding Uncertainty to Reduce Climate Risks (UNRISK) CDT is funded by NERC. Our Satellite Data in Environmental Science CDT is funded by the NERC and the UK Space Agency. 

EPSRC Future Fluid Dynamics

Fluid Dynamics sits at the centre of our lives, the weather we experience, the products we use, the food we eat, cars we drive, medical care we receive all depend on fluid dynamics. As a postgraduate researcher studying at the EPSRC CDT in Future Fluid Dynamics at the University of Leeds you will tackle fundamental and applied problems, with the opportunity to undertake cutting-edge multidisciplinary research.

NERC and UK Space Agency Satellite Data in Environmental Science

The Centre for Satellite Data in Environmental Science (SENSE) will bring together expertise in satellite remote sensing, climate change, and advanced data science to nurture the next generation of earth observation researchers. Join us to transform environmental science in the UK using both advanced data science and earth observation techniques.

Understanding Uncertainty to Reduce Climate Risks (UNRISK) Centre for Doctoral Training

Understanding Uncertainty to Reduce Climate Risks (UNRISK) is a Centre for Doctoral Training with fully funded PhD research opportunities at the University of Leeds, University College London, the University of Exeter collaborating with over 40 external partners.

UNRISK will train students with the multidisciplinary knowledge and skills across climate science, data science and decision science to tackle the pressing challenge of reducing the risks associated with rapid climate change.

UNRISK will fund 40 PhD students in cohorts of 12-15 per year over three years, providing them with a stipend, university fees and residential training for 3 years and 9 months. Find out more about UNRISK projects.

Centre for Doctoral Training partnerships 

We are also partners in the following EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training:

SATURN Nuclear Energy led by the University of Manchester

This collaborative CDT involving the Universities of Manchester, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Sheffield and Strathclyde aims to work towards building the skills base needed to support the UK’s Net Zero targets. Undertake a fully-funded, four-year CDT PhD and take your place among the next generation of nuclear experts. Find out more about the SATURN CDT.

CEDAR Cyber-Physical Systems for Medicines Manufacturing led by the University of Strathclyde

CEDAR aims to develop the way that cyber-physical systems can help make medicines manufacturing more sustainable, resilient and human-centric. CEDAR will train 90 future leaders with the multidisciplinary skills essential for advancing next-generation, sustainable medicines manufacturing. Find out more about the CEDAR CDT

If you are a UK or EU postgraduate researcher, other sources of funding may be available from the UK research councils. See the following list of websites for full details of the funding they offer. You can then contact the school you would like to study with for information about how to apply.

Terms and conditions apply.