Leaving a bequest in the US

The University of Leeds welcomes bequests of any size. Including a gift in your will is easy to do and an opportunity to help shape the future of a great University.
You can make a bequest to the University of Leeds directly, or through the North American Foundation for the University of Leeds.
Making a bequest via either of these channels may reduce your estate tax liability, if your estate will be subject to US estate tax.
Please note: this information does not constitute legal or tax advice. Always seek advice from your legal and tax advisors regarding your estate and tax liabilities.
Please see our suggested wording for your bequest to the University of Leeds or the North American Foundation for the University of Leeds.
Charitable status
The University of Leeds is an ‘exempt charity’ under Schedule 3 of the Charities Act 2011. It does not have a registered number issued by the UK Charity Commission but is in law a charity by Royal Charter, granted in 1904.
The University’s reference number with the charity division of HM Revenue and Customs is X6861.
The North American Foundation for the University of Leeds (NAFUL), is an organisation exempt from taxes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Contact us
Jessica Mifsud-Bonnici, Senior Development Officer (Legacies), will be pleased to discuss any wishes you have for your bequest, and provide information about areas of the University that are of particular interest to you.
Email Jessica at give@leeds.ac.uk
If you require information about setting up a Charitable Remainder Trust or other planned giving vehicle, please contact Jessica in the first instance.