Leeds Mathematics School

Leeds Mathematics School is a partnership between the University of Leeds and GORSE Academies Trust.
Leeds Mathematics School, LMaS for short, is a specialist sixth form college for high-attainers who are excited about mathematics and who want to belong to a community of equally enthusiastic learners and teachers. LMaS is located right in the centre of Leeds, and students come from all over the city and the surrounding Yorkshire region.
At the heart of its work is a commitment to closing existing, entrenched gaps in A-Level and higher education participation in mathematical sciences as well as in STEM-related careers. In particular, LMaS is determined to reduce gaps in the participation of female students (trans-inclusive) and the attainment of students who are from widening participation backgrounds.
The first cohort of 69 students, aged between 16 and 19, enrolled in September 2023 and a new year group of 99 students joined in September 2024. All students are studying A-Level Mathematics and Further Mathematics, also one or two A Levels from the curriculum from Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics and Mandarin Chinese.
The LMaS students benefit from modern facilities in newly renovated accommodation, located in the heart of Leeds city centre. University of Leeds staff and students work with LMaS teachers and students to share their love of mathematical sciences, creating new opportunities and supporting an innovative, exciting curriculum.
LMaS’ academic, pastoral and enrichment curriculum equips students for the next stage in their educational journey and for their roles in local and global communities. LMaS’ core principle is that every student must achieve highly and leave LMaS with many and meaningful choices available to them: in their learning, in their career, in their life.
To find out more please visit the Leeds Mathematics School website.