Southeast Asian alumni and students

We have a large and diverse community of current students and alumni from Southeast Asia at Leeds. There are several ways you can connect with them to find out more about what it’s like to live and study here.
Learn from our current students
You can contact a current Southeast Asian student at the University of Leeds through Link to Leeds or read their profiles and email them directly.
Link to Leeds provides you with the opportunity to also read blogs, join live chat events and follow current international students on social media.
There are over 50 students to get in touch with from a wide range of nationalities and programmes.
Learn from our alumni
There are over 10,500 University of Leeds alumni throughout the Southeast Asia region. We maintain contact with our alumni in the region and can introduce students and their families to alumni who can answer questions they might have about life at Leeds.
Read our profiles to find out more about the University of Leeds from staff and alumni.
Video transcript: Being an international student at the University of Leeds
Share your Leeds experience
If you are a Leeds graduate and would like to share your experiences with students who are planning on studying at Leeds, we would love to hear from you.
If you would like to submit a short social media profile, please complete our alumni social media profile form.
You can also visit our alumni page for more alumni stories, events and opportunities to get involved in the Leeds community.