
Alumni events

Find out about our upcoming in-person and online events.

Meet and connect with fellow alumni, enjoy inspiring talks and hear from Leeds researchers.

If you’d like to get in touch about a past or future event, email the Alumni Events team at

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Upcoming events

  • Leeds Alumni Voices: Matthias Maurer

    In 2022 Matthias Maurer (Erasmus Materials Science 1993) spent 177 days on the International Space Station. Register to hear his account of life in space. In person or online, 9 October, 6.15pm.

    Astronaut Matthias Maurer wearing looking through an astronaut helmet.

More alumni events

  • Events replay

    Did you miss it? Re-watch or catch up on alumni events and webinars whenever suits you.

    Two students wearing bright clothing sitting on a bench in front of the Parkinson Building reading from a tablet.
  • Reunions

    Find out about our upcoming reunions or organise a reunion.

    Two Leeds alumni standing outside the Great Hall in autumn
  • Alumni Book Club

    Join the Leeds Alumni Book Club to chat about books with fellow alumni around the world.

    A silhouette of a person reading a book sat on a window sill