
Hydrogen has the potential to help the UK to meet its target of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 by offering a solution for sectors that are difficult to decarbonise, such as heavy industry, heat and transport.
Leeds researchers are working with key stakeholders from across academia, government, industry and civil society to understand the role that hydrogen could play, address some of the key challenges and ensure a just and equitable transition.
Our researchers are developing cutting–edge hydrogen appliances, innovative ways to produce hydrogen from waste materials and investigating the role of hydrogen in decarbonising industries such as glass and steel. Read the final project report from our CREDS project on Decarbonisation of Steel.
Our researchers also look at the potential for hydrogen in the transport system as well as socio-political, community and market factors that may influence the large-scale application of hydrogen.
Read a case study about how our researchers are finding ways to replace natural gas with hydrogen as a way to heat homes.
Demonstrating new processes for biohydrogen production
Leeds researchers are working with partners including the Biorenewables Development Centre on a project to demonstrate new solutions for producing hydrogen for the transport sector from underutilised bio-based feedstocks. The £5m H2Boost project follows a successful BEIS Hydrogen BECCS Innovation Programme Phase 1 project which proved the feasibility of the process which integrates an advanced oxidation and enzymatic pre-treatment of bio-based feedstocks for conversion to bio-hydrogen by dark fermentation, combined with down-stream processing of by-products via microbial CO2 capture and storage.
Using hydrogen and biofuels to decarbonise distilleries
The University of Leeds is working in collaboration with Colorado Construction & Engineering Ltd on a £2.7m BEIS funded project to develop a novel biofuel gasification system that can help distilleries to decarbonise through the use of biofuels and hydrogen. Read a summary of the biofuel gasification project on the UK Government website.