Re-energising the North: collaborative research for a green recovery - a workshop series

10am, Friday 27 November and Monday 30 November 2020.

Energy Leeds are organising an exciting series of workshops in which we will bring together University of Leeds researchers and key stakeholders in the region to explore the role of energy in a green recovery. We hope to work with you to identify how the North can develop collaborative research and innovation projects that address the main challenges to achieving a net zero energy system. 

We invite you to register for a short, 90 minute 'Town Hall' workshop on either Friday 27th November or Monday 30th November at 10am.

During the workshop, you will identify with colleagues what you consider to be the most pressing hurdles or obstacles to achieving net zero carbon in our region, so that we can then focus our energies on those key issues.

On the workshop portal you can create a profile to connect with colleagues, and read and watch some stimulating content to get you thinking.

Watch Professor Timothy Cockerill tell us a little more about what we’re hoping to achieve